Analitica Ltd - about company Яндекс.Метрика
В лабораторной диагностикес 1989 года
В лабораторной диагностикес 1989 года
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Analytica Ltd

Analytica Ltd. was established in 1989 and is one of the leading Russian importers of products for medical laboratories (Clinical Chemistry, ELISA, Haematology, ISE and Blood Gases and other fields of analysis).

Our company employs over 150 staff, 13 specialists have PhD. Analytica Ltd. owns more than 2,000 sq. m facilities in Moscow including offices and warehouses. Our warehouse has a capacity of more than 80 tons and is specially equipped to provide and control proper storage conditions. Sufficient amount of most products, including instruments, is maintained on stock to supply customers at short notice.

The sales volume of our company is constantly increasing. Among our customers are the leading Russian clinics and major regional suppliers of products for clinical laboratories. Analytica Ltd. also supplies products under state orders of many Russia's regions. The total amount of our customers in all regions of the Russian Federation exceeds 2000. Sales volume of reagents exceeds 40 tons per month.

Analytica Ltd. is an established and reputable company in Russia. Analytica Ltd. participates in all major laboratory exhibitions and scientific forums visited by hundreds of qualified specialists from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Our company holds seminars for laboratory experts on a regular basis. Our advertising is constantly placed in leading profile periodicals.

Analytica Ltd. ensures full legal support for the supplied products. All products supplied by our company pass tests and certification in authorized institutions and laboratories and are registered in the RF Ministry for Health Care in accordance with law currently in force.

Analytica Ltd. provides an established logistics service for continuous supply of products throughout Russia. Due to several peculiarities of Russia's transport network, product supply is generally performed via Moscow, Russia's central junction point. Our location in Moscow allows our logistics department to successfully handle the import customs clearance into Russia and to efficiently deliver the goods to every spot in Russia.

Analytica Ltd. constantly carries out full customer support. Our qualified product specialists with Ph.D. degrees in physics, medicine, chemistry and biology provide comprehensive training and support for our clients. Analytica is well known in Russia for the excellent technical support. Highly skilled service engineers perform warranty, after-warranty service and maintenance of the supplied equipment.

Analytica Ltd. is very much interested in broadening its product range and welcomes product suppliers and manufacturers.

We are looking forward to new contacts.

Stepan Balabaev
Stepan Balabaev
the head of the company

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